January 20, 2011

The Bee Hum

The fall has come
Leaves have turned colour
They are shedding…
A potpourri
Of colours

A thought came
Of the bee in my garden
Of all seasons
And colours
Of fantasy
And reality…

The Bee
Has taught to wait
For the season to change
For spring to come…

The Bee hums to the tune
Of changing shades
Of fleeting colours…

The buzz of the Bee
Wakes me to the morning hue
And to the greasy drops of dew…
To tell me the truth
That shades change
The longings give way to day and night
Desires turn to dreams
That touch, flicker…and fade

Wait, one should
The Bee hums
To continue the disjointed
And to join the discontinued…
Cold shoulders…
Abrupt ends...

The unreasonableness of childhood
Grows over me, at times…
And I wait for the Bee
To bring me the next song
In my cold mornings of greasy dew.

It is a new song of life
That the Bee sings
Each time, in my garden.


  1. So very beautiful -- it is emotional and as dainty as a the dew on a bloom in the morning!

    Please keep writing ... so lovely!

  2. Its so very beautifully put...may you have a bee of all seasons......and reasons.

    just loved this one...cheers
